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Kurzweil 3000  by Kurzweil Education 

  • Reading System Kurzweil 3000 
  • Vendor Kurzweil Education
  • OS: macOS 
  • Tested with Braille: No
  • Tested with Screenreader: No
  • Input type: Mouse

Results for Read Aloud: 75%

Last updated: 21 January 2022

Test book used: Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Read Aloud, version 1.0.0 . These results are based on an older test book revision. A newer version of Read Aloud is available.

These tests were done by Richard Orme.


Kurzweil 3000 20 This evaluation was conducted on a Mac Mini running macOS Big Sur version 10.5.

Test results for Read Aloud
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
ReadAloud-010 The content can be read aloud Focus on the beginning of a paragraph or a sentence and initiate reading with text-to-speech using a feature of the reading system. Pass The reading position can be selected with the mouse. Read aloud is started with the Read button on the reader toolbar, or the kayboard shortcut command R.
ReadAloud-110 Stop and resume reading Initiate reading from any point in the book. Stop Read Aloud and note the last read position. Initiate reading again using the Read Aloud feature and check if reading starts at the last read location. Pass Pause and resume behaves as expected.
ReadAloud-210 The Read Aloud feature should continue until interrupted by the user The Read Aloud feature should continue until interrupted by the user, keeping the text being spoken in view. Pass The read aloud continues past the bottom of the displayed text, scrolling to the next content automatically.
ReadAloud-310 All text should be read in the proper order Sample text has been provided below to test the reading order. The Paragraph 2 should be read after Paragraph 1 by the Read Aloud feature. Note that visually Paragraph 2 is placed to the left of Paragraph 1 but it is second in the reading order. Fail The sample paragraphs are not announced by read aloud.
ReadAloud-410 Change Read Aloud reading speed It should be possible to adjust (increase/decrease) the speed of reading. Pass The reading speed can be adjusted in the menus, or with the keyboard shortcut commands [ and command ].
ReadAloud-510 Text to Speech handles punctuations and document structure appropriately When Read Aloud is activated, there should be slight pauses after headings, list items etc., rather than reading as if it is one continuous section of text. Pass The text is read as expected, with appropriate pauses.
ReadAloud-610 Text is emphasised as it is spoken by read aloud Check if the Text is emphasised as it is spoken by read aloud. Pass By default the current sentence is highlighted in green, and the current spoken word is highlighted in yellow.
ReadAloud-710 The emphasis or highlight colour can be changed Activate Read Aloud feature as described in the previous test. Change the colour of emphasis or visual highlight of the text being read aloud using any feature available in the reading system or the operating system. The users should have a choice of different colours for text highlighting. Fail The reading colors can be adjusted in Kurzweil 3000 / Preferences / Reading. However changing this setting made no difference in the EPUB reader.

Results for Extended Descriptions: 100%

Last updated: 21 January 2022

Test book used: Accessibility Tests Extended Descriptions, version 1.1.1 .

These tests were done by Richard Orme.


Kurzweil 3000 20 This evaluation was conducted on a Mac Mini running macOS Big Sur version 10.5.

Test results for Extended Descriptions
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
extdescription-010 Detection and Utilization of HTML Details and Summary elements Check if you can use HTML details and summary successfully and read the extended description contained in it. Pass The details element can be expanded and collapsed as expected. The contents of the details element is announced by read aloud when collapsed. Ideally this would not happen.
extdescription-020 Technique for linking to a single extended description placed in a separate HTML file via text hyperlinks Check if activating the hyperlink placed under the image takes you to a separate HTML file with extended descriptions, and the back link there brings you back to the image. Pass Following the link takes the reading view to the extended description as expected. The description can be listened to with read aloud. It is possible to follow the link back to the original location as expected.

Results for Basic Functionality: 33.33%

Last updated: 1 July 2024

Test book used: Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Basic Functionality, version 2.0.0 .

These tests were done by Richard Orme.

Test results for Basic Functionality
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
file-010 Operating system/Platform accessibility: If you are using a hardware device, it can be started independently and essential accessibility for starting and exiting applications is available. Pass
file-110 The reading system can be activated independently If you are using a reading app that requires you to create an online account then the complete getting started process should be accessible. Pass
file-210 Open content Open the Fundamental Accessibility Test book in the reading system. Pass Unprotected EPUB titles can be loaded using Kurzweil 3000 / Open and browsing to the file.
file-310 Access list of available content in the reading system Check if you can navigate inside the bookshelf. Pass In this evaluation the titles were organised in a folder on the local drive.
nav-005 The table of contents in the app presents the content hierarchy Check if the table of Contents is accessible and its hierarchy is presented correctly by the reading system Fail Only level 1 items in the TOC are presented in the drop down list at the top list of the reading window.
nav-010 Navigate to chapters through the Table of Contents Check if you can navigate to a section by using the table of contents. Fail After selecting an item from the TOC drop down list the view does not change location.
nav-110 Navigate content by pages Check if you can navigate the content by pages. Fail Page navigation is not supported in this version.
nav-210 Navigate forward and backward through reflowed content Use any control or command to navigate forward and backwards in the book content. Pass The app toolbar at the top has previous and next page buttons. The same controls are at the bottom right as small left and right buttons. Using these buttons it is possible to move forwards and backards through the title, including past chapter boundaries.
nav-310 Read navigation information Use the "Where am I?" or any other similar command available in the reading system and check if you can get information about your current position in the book. Fail There is no display of current section, page number or percentage progress.
nav-410 Perform a search, review the search results Perform a search, review the search results and navigate to the selected search result in the content. Fail No search facility is provided in this version.
nav-510 Move across chapters without using TOC Check if you can move across chapters without having to use the Table of Contents. Fail The TOC is not working in this version.
anno-010 Add a Bookmark or Highlight Some reading systems may have a Highlight feature in place of Bookmarks. The tests for Bookmarks may then be performed with Highlights. Fail No bookmark or highlight feature is offered in this version.
anno-110 Review and navigate Bookmarks or Highlights Check if you can review and navigate Bookmarks or Highlights. Fail No bookmark or highlight feature is offered in this version.
anno-210 Add a note Add a Note at this location in the book. Provide a few lines of text in the Note. Fail No bookmark or highlight feature is offered in this version.
anno-310 Review and navigate Notes Check if you can review and navigate Notes. Fail No bookmark or highlight feature is offered in this version.