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EasyReader   by Dolphin Computer Access Ltd 

  • Reading System EasyReader  
  • Vendor Dolphin Computer Access Ltd
  • OS: Windows 
  • Tested with Braille: No
  • Tested with Screenreader: No
  • Input type: Keyboard

Results for Media Overlays: 0%

Last updated: 1 July 2024

Test book used: Advanced Accessibility Tests: Media Overlays, version 1.0.0 .

These tests were done by Richard Orme.


EasyReader 9.0.1 Opening the test title causes EasyReader to crash and exit.

Test results for Media Overlays
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
MOA-BASIC-010 Media Overlays Playback Tests whether playback of Media Overlays is supported. Fail
MOA-BASIC-020 Pause and resume from the same position, without closing the book Tests whether media overlay playback resumes at correct location after pause Fail
MOA-BASIC-030 Resume playback from last position on opening a book Tests whether playback resumes even when the book is closed and opened again. Fail
MOA-NAV-010 Section Navigation - Previous/Next Phrase Tests whether previous/next phrase navigation is supported. Fail
MOA-NAV-020 Navigate to previous section Tests whether navigation to previous section is supported. Fail
MOA-NAV-030 Navigate to next section Tests whether navigation to next section is supported. Fail
MOA-NAV-040 Navigate with pagelist Tests whether navigation to pages is possible using the page list or go to page feature. Fail
MOA-NAV-050 Move to next page Tests whether navigation to next reflowed page is supported when media overlay is playing. Fail
MOA-NAV-060 Move to previous page Tests whether navigation to previous reflowed page is supported when media overlay is playing. Fail
MOA-NAV-070 Text and media overlay synchronization Tests whether media overlay is synchronized with text display. Fail
MOA-NAV-080 Set and navigate to bookmarks Tests whether bookmarks can be set and navigated to while media overlay is playing. Fail
MOA-NAV-090 Section Navigation - TOC Tests whether navigation to a new section is supported. Fail
MOA-NAV-100 Continuous playback across page turns Tests whether Media Overlay playback across page turns is supported. Fail

Results for Read Aloud: 100%

Last updated: 11 June 2024

Test book used: Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Read Aloud, version 2.0.0 .

These tests were done by Richard Orme.


EasyReader 11.0.1 evaluated on Windows 11. Read aloud feature meets all the fundamental requirements. Additionally, if the option for alt text to be displayed is enabled, this is then read aloud. Math and chemistry expressions included as MathML are announced by the read aloud. The settings for these announcements can be adjusted by the user. There is a high degree of customization for the read aloud highlighting colors, for both "line" and word highlight colors. The pronunciation of words can be specified, and entries stored in a lexicon.

Test results for Read Aloud
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
ReadAloud-010 The content can be read aloud Focus on the beginning of a paragraph or a sentence and initiate reading with text-to-speech using a feature of the reading system. Pass Read aloud is started using the play button in the center of the top of the display. Alternatively, the space bar or F5 key can be used to play/pause.
ReadAloud-110 Stop and resume reading Initiate reading from any point in the book. Stop Read Aloud and note the last read position. Initiate reading again using the Read Aloud feature and check if reading starts at the last read location. Pass Pause and resume behaves as expected.
ReadAloud-210 The Read Aloud feature should continue until interrupted by the user The Read Aloud feature should continue until interrupted by the user, keeping the text being spoken in view. Pass The read aloud continues below the end of the displayed text, as expected. The spoken text remains in view. There is the option to keep the text being read in the center of the display.
ReadAloud-310 All text should be read in the proper order Sample text has been provided below to test the reading order. The Paragraph 2 should be read after Paragraph 1 by the Read Aloud feature. Note that visually Paragraph 2 is placed to the left of Paragraph 1 but it is second in the reading order. Pass The text is read in the correct order.
ReadAloud-350 Image alternate text reading Ensure that the alternate text for the image can be announced. Pass The use has the option to have the alt text displayed beneath images. If this is enabled then the read aloud announces it.
ReadAloud-400 Change Read Aloud reading voice It should be possible to choose from some different options the voice used for read aloud. Pass The speech rate and other voice parameters are set within the audio settings dialogue.
ReadAloud-410 Change Read Aloud reading speed It should be possible to adjust (increase/decrease) the speed of reading. Pass The speech handles headings, list items etc. as expected.
ReadAloud-510 Text to Speech handles punctuation and document structure appropriately When Read Aloud is activated, there should be slight pauses after headings, list items etc., rather than reading as if it is one continuous section of text. Pass The speech handles headings, list items etc as expected.
ReadAloud-610 Text is emphasised as it is spoken by read aloud Check if the Text is emphasised as it is spoken by read aloud. Pass The word and sentence being read aloud is visually emphasized.

Results for Visual Adjustments: 100%

Last updated: 26 October 2024

Test book used: Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Visual Adjustments, version 2.0.0 .

These tests were done by Richard Orme.


EasyReader 11.0.1 evaluated on Windows 11. All the visual adjustment tests are met. Additionally, the user can change line and letter spacing, and adjust the margins. There is a choice of color themes, or the user can choose the exact colors for text and background. There is the option to display only 1, 3 or 5 rows of text.

Test results for Visual Adjustments
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
visual-010 Change font size Use the controls available in the application or else in the operating system to change (increase/decrease) the size of the font. The font size change should apply uniformly to all the book content including headings, regular paragraphs, list items, and the text content of tables. Pass The font size can be changed using many techniques, including mouse wheel with control key, touch screen pinch and spread gesture, control plus and minus keys, and in the text settings dialogue.
visual-110 Change background and foreground color Change background and foreground colour (May be through reading system feature or through OS settings). Pass A custom color theme can be chosen in addition to selecting from blue text, cream, sky blue, sea green and high contrast themes.
visual-210 Change brightness Use the controls available in the application or else in the operating system to change (increase/decrease) the screen brightness. Pass The screen brightness can be altered through display hardware, or via the Windows control panel.
visual-310 Apply high contrast system configuration The reading system interface and book content except images should respect the high contrast mode (invert colors) if present in the Operating System. Pass The high contrast theme is respected in the EasyReader interface.
visual-410 Magnify the User Interface(UI) Use the controls available in the application or else in the operating system to magnify the Reading System screen. All aspects of the User Interface such as menus, sidebars, pop-up windows, dialog boxes and search box should get magnified uniformly. Pass The user interface can be enlarged using the Windows built in magnifier or a third-party utility.
visual-510 Change Font Choose from a selection of fonts, including sans-serif and serif options. Pass Several serif and sans serif fonts are provided, including OpenDyslexic.
visual-550 Viewing MathML The block and inline math expressions below are in the MathML format. Check if the math expressions inline and between the paragraphs are displayed correctly. Use the controls available in the application or else in the operating system to change (increase/decrease) the size of the font. Check if the math expressions also change size in proportion. Change background and foreground color (may be through reading system feature or through OS settings). Check if the math expressions reflect the changed color settings. Pass The math expressions are displayed as expected.
visual-710 Enlarge SVG Image Check if this SVG format image displayed below this paragraph can be enlarged. Pass The image is displayed. It was not possible to enlarge the image using the app.