
Navigate by lines (reading-1110)

Below are all the published results for the test reading-1110, which appears in Non-visual Reading (1.0.0).

This test currently has a 88.89% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Navigate by lines ( reading-1110) Notes
Azardi NVDA Windows PASS
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows PASS It is possible to move through the previous/next button in the menu or the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+V (to the previous sentence), Alt+V (to the next sentence)
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows PASS It is possible to move through the previous/next button in the menu or the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+V (to the previous sentence), Alt+V (to the next sentence)
Bookshare Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS
Bookshelf Voiceover iOS PASS
Bookshelf Voiceover Safari macOS PASS
Bookshelf JAWS 2020 Chrome Windows PASS
Bookshelf NVDA Firefox 62+ Windows PASS
Bookshelf JAWS 2020 Firefox 62+ Windows PASS
Bookshelf TalkBack Android PASS Bookshelf app on Android provides a solid EPUB reading experience with TalkBack, failing only on the “Where am I?” test. Users should be aware of the explore by touch technique to start reading from the correct location after navigating with TOC, bookmarks, pages etc.”
Bookshelf NVDA Windows PASS
Bookshelf NVDA Chrome Windows PASS
Bookworm NVDA Windows PASS Works as expected.
Clusive NVDA Windows PASS
Colibrio Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS
Digital Editions Voiceover iOS 12 PASS
Digital Editions TalkBack Android 9 FAIL No Talkback support
Digital Editions JAWS 18 Windows FAIL The application mostly stops responding.
EBSCO Reader Jaws Chrome Windows PASS Works as expected.
EasyReader Jaws Windows 11 PASS Works as expected.
EasyReader (German) TalkBack Android PASS
EasyReader (German) Voiceover iOS FAIL Usually VoiceOver provides the navigation by lines but in this test e-book I couldn’t find it.
Fulcrum Online NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Works as expected.
Kindle TalkBack Android FAIL Line navagation is not available.
Kindle Voiceover iOS PASS Works as expected. Voiceover text highlighting and text display are not synchronized.
Kindle NVDA Windows PASS
RedShelf Voiceover Safari macOS 10.14 PASS
RedShelf NVDA Chrome Windows PASS
RedShelf Jaws Chrome Windows PASS
RedShelf Voiceover iOS PASS Works as expected.
RedShelf TalkBack Android PASS Works as expected.
Simply Reading TalkBack Android PASS
Thorium Reader 2 Jaws Windows PASS Normal Jaws reading commands work fine.
Thorium Reader 2 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS Pulsar flecha abajo/arriba.
Voice Dream Reader Voiceover iOS PASS
Voice Dream Reader (German) Voiceover iOS PASS