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reading-420 Footnote Reading

This tests the usability and functionality of footnotes. The markup includes the semantics that the reference is to a note,which could be announced to the reader. The destination could be a footnote or an endnote and announced to the reader. The link back to the original position has the semantics that it is a backlink and could also be announced to the reader.

To pass this test:

  • Assistive technology is able to detect the reference to the footnote and reach the content of the footnote.
  • Assistive technology is able to read the content of the footnote.
  • The Reading System provides a mechanism to move back to the original reading position from the footnote, or the backlink is used to return to the original position.

Indicate Pass or Fail.

Please put into the notes if the link to the note was announced, and upon reaching the destination that it was a footnote. Include if the Reading System included its own mechanism to return to the original location or if the backlink was announced and used to return to the exact location.

Sample Footnote testing example

Chief Joseph was a leader of the Nez Perce tribe, who resisted the U.S. government’s attempt to remove them from their ancestral lands in the Wallowa Valley of Oregon. In 1877, after a series of violent encounters with white settlers, Chief Joseph and his people decided to flee the U.S. and seek refuge in Canada, where they hoped to join the Lakota people under Sitting Bull. Along the way, they fought several battles with the U.S. Army, who pursued them relentlessly. Chief Joseph also drove a large herd of horses1, which he used for transportation and trade. He managed to lead his people across more than 1,000 miles of rugged terrain, reaching the border of Montana and Canada. However, he was surrounded by the army and forced to surrender, ending his remarkable journey of resistance and survival.

This is a filler paragraph to show there would be text between the note reference and the footnote.

End of the footnote testing item.

This test is in the book Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Non-Visual Reading 2.0.0.

This test is new or changed from the previous revision.

See how well Reading Systems performed on this test.