
Select and copy text (reading-1310)

Below are all the published results for the test reading-1310, which appears in Non-visual Reading (2.0.0).

This test currently has a 60.00% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Select and copy text ( reading-1310) Notes
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows FAIL The function is not provided due to the copyright issue of the book
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows FAIL Copying selected text is not presented.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Chrome Windows FAIL Copying selected text is not presented.
Books Voiceover iOS PASS Selection and copy of text is supported with Voiceover.
Bookshare Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS
Bookshelf TalkBack Android FAIL
Colibrio Reader TalkBack Android FAIL With Talkback, it is very hard to precisely select something for copying. "Copy last utterance" can be used but it does not satisfy the test condition
EBSCO Reader Jaws Chrome Windows PASS Works as expected.
EasyReader Windows PASS works as expected.
EasyReader Voiceover iOS PASS Use the selection feature, and then Edit to copy and paste the selected piece of text.
EasyReader TalkBack Android FAIL The text cannot be precisely selected with Talkback.
Play Books Voiceover iOS FAIL Text cannot be selected precisely with Voiceover.
Play Books TalkBack Android FAIL Precise text selection with Talkback is not supported.
Thorium 3 Jaws Windows PASS
Thorium 3 Voiceover macOS PASS I personally don't know how to do this but expect it would work.
Thorium Reader 2 Voiceover macOS PASS I don't know how to do this with Voice Over, I am sure it is possible.
Thorium Reader 3 NVDA Windows PASS This works as expected
Thorium Reader 3 Jaws Chrome Windows PASS
Thorium Reader 3 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS
Vanilla Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Precise selection and copy text is working.