
Navigate between internal hyperlinks (reading-710)

Below are all the published results for the test reading-710, which appears in Non-visual Reading (2.0.0).

This test currently has a 70.00% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Navigate between internal hyperlinks ( reading-710) Notes
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Moving between internal hyperlinks is presented with Alt+M key.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows PASS Moving between internal hyperlinks is presented with Alt+M key.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Chrome Windows PASS Moving between internal hyperlinks is presented with Alt+M key.
Books Voiceover iOS PASS
Bookshare Reader NVDA Chrome Windows FAIL The link to the target worked fine. However, the back link did not take you to the exact location. It took you to the beginning of the file. Interesting that links from the table of contents work fine, but not when this link was activated.
Bookshelf TalkBack Android PASS
Colibrio Reader TalkBack Android PASS The link target text is mostly placed at the top of the screen and hence this test is being marked as pass.
EBSCO Reader Jaws Chrome Windows PASS The Screen Reader focus moves exactly to the target location.
EasyReader Windows FAIL On clicking the link the focus moved to the top of the chpterchapter/html file.
EasyReader Voiceover iOS FAIL The hyperlink can be navigated to and activated with Voiceover. However, the destination page is not displayed. The hyperlink works without Voiceover.
EasyReader TalkBack Android FAIL When tapping on the hyperlink, it works fine, but upon using the back link, the focus does not return to the hyperlink; instead, it goes to the first element of the page.
Play Books Voiceover iOS FAIL Hyperlink can be selected and activated. However, Voiceover does not read from desired location.
Play Books TalkBack Android FAIL On using the back link, Talkback focus does not land on the correct location.
Thorium 3 Jaws Windows PASS
Thorium 3 Voiceover macOS PASS
Thorium Reader 2 Voiceover macOS PASS
Thorium Reader 3 NVDA Windows PASS The internal links are working properly.
Thorium Reader 3 Jaws Chrome Windows PASS works as expected.
Thorium Reader 3 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS
Vanilla Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Navigation works as expected.