
Move to the next block item (reading-810)

Below are all the published results for the test reading-810, which appears in Non-visual Reading (2.0.0).

This test currently has a 100.00% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Move to the next block item ( reading-810) Notes
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Paragraph-by-paragraph movement provided.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows PASS Paragraph-by-paragraph movement provided.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Chrome Windows PASS Paragraph-by-paragraph movement provided.
Books Voiceover iOS PASS Navigation by lines and headings is working (limited to current page. By default right swipe is reading one paragraph/block.
Bookshare Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS
Bookshelf TalkBack Android PASS
Colibrio Reader TalkBack Android PASS It is possible to move to the next heading, line, word, character, link as provided for by TalkBack.
EBSCO Reader Jaws Chrome Windows PASS Works as expected.
EasyReader Windows PASS works as expected.
EasyReader Voiceover iOS PASS Navigation by line, heading, and blocks of text is working.
EasyReader TalkBack Android PASS Navigation by paragraphs and vertical scrolling works.
Play Books Voiceover iOS PASS Text can be navigated by blocks of text, list etc.
Play Books TalkBack Android PASS Text can be navigated with different Talkback commands.
Thorium 3 Jaws Windows PASS
Thorium 3 Voiceover macOS PASS
Thorium Reader 2 Voiceover macOS PASS
Thorium Reader 3 NVDA Windows PASS
Thorium Reader 3 Jaws Chrome Windows PASS
Thorium Reader 3 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS
Vanilla Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS All text reading commands are working.