
Stop and resume reading (ReadAloud-110)

Below are all the published results for the test ReadAloud-110, which appears in Read Aloud (2.0.0).

This test currently has a 92.31% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Stop and resume reading ( ReadAloud-110) Notes
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Play/Pause can be executed by pressing ctrl+space
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows PASS Play/Pause can be executed by pressing ctrl+space
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Chrome Windows PASS Play/Pause can be executed by pressing ctrl+space
Books iOS PASS Pause and resume functions as expected.
Books macOS PASS The read aloud control panel has a pause and resume button which works as expected.
Bookshare Reader Safari macOS PASS Will re-read last sentence paused within.
Bookshare Reader Chrome macOS PASS It starts reading at the beginning of the sentence even if it read half the sentence previously. I believe this is fine.
Bookshelf iOS PASS Pause and resume reading work as expected. If the display has been moved to another place. If the display is scrolled, there is the option to start reading from the top of the currently displayed text, or to recenter on the read aloud focus.
Bookshelf Chrome Windows PASS The pause feature performs as expected. It resumes from the last spoken word. There are also controls to move the reading position back and forward, and to read from top.
Bookshelf Windows PASS Pause and resume reading works as expected. There are also controls to skip back and forward.
Bookshelf macOS PASS Pause and resume reading works as expected. There are also controls to skip back and forward.
Bookshelf Android PASS Pause and resume works as expected.
Colibrio Reader Android PASS Pause and resume is achieved with the Play/Pause button. It works as expected.
EasyReader Windows PASS Pause and resume behaves as expected.
EasyReader Android PASS
ElevenLabs Reader iOS PASS The reading stopped and restarted as expected.
Kindle Android PASS Tapping the screen pauses the assistive reader. Tapping again resumes the read aloud from the expected position.
Kindle iOS PASS Tapping the screen pauses the assistive reader. Tapping the play button again resumes the read aloud from the expected position.
Kindle Linux NA Kindle Paperwhite does not offer a read aloud feature.
Kindle Windows PASS The read aloud can be paused and resumed with the space bar.
Kobo NVDA Windows NA No read aloud feature provided.
Kortext Windows PASS Pause and resume works as expected. There is no feature to skip back or forward.
Play Books Android PASS Reading can be paused, then restarts from the beginning of the sentence.
RedShelf iOS PASS Pause and resume is in the 'More text to speech controls' panel. It works as expected.
Thorium Reader 3 Windows PASS Previous, play/pause, next and setting buttons are shown when read aloud is active. The pause and resume feature works as expected.
Thorium Reader 3 macOS PASS Previous, play/pause, next and setting buttons are shown when read aloud is active. The pause and resume feature works as expected.