
Change Read Aloud reading speed (ReadAloud-410)

Below are all the published results for the test ReadAloud-410, which appears in Read Aloud (2.0.0).

This test currently has a 82.35% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Change Read Aloud reading speed ( ReadAloud-410) Notes
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows PASS This works as expected
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows PASS This works as expected
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Chrome Windows PASS This works as expected
Books iOS PASS The reading speed can be quickly changed in the speech controller.
Bookshare Reader Safari macOS PASS
Bookshare Reader Chrome macOS PASS
Bookshelf iOS PASS The read aloud control panel provides for adjusting the read aloud speed.
Bookshelf Android PASS The reading speed is adjustable from within the app.
Colibrio Reader Edge Windows PASS The playback rate can be adjusted with a control at the bottom of the screen and also in the settings.
Colibrio Reader Android PASS When Read aloud is activated, there is a button on the right of the panel at the bottom of the screen, showing three vertical dots. This reveals a read aloud settings panel, including speech volume, playback rate, language, voice, highlight color.
EasyReader Windows PASS The speech handles headings, list items etc. as expected.
Kindle Android PASS Tapping the screen when assistive reader is active pauses the read aloud. A panel at the bottom of the display shows the speech rate. This can be adjusted by the user with options to go faster or slower.
Kindle NVDA Windows FAIL
Kindle iOS PASS Tapping the screen when assistive reader is active pauses the read aloud. A panel at the bottom of the display shows the speech rate. This can be adjusted by the user with options to go faster or slower.
Kindle Linux FAIL Kindle Paperwhite does not offer a read aloud feature.
Kobo NVDA Windows NA No read aloud feature provided.
Thorium 3 macOS PASS Clicking on the Headphone icon allows you to increase the speed from 0.5x - 3.0x