
Change font size (visual-010)

Below are all the published results for the test visual-010, which appears in Visual Adjustments (1.0.0).

This test currently has a 97.56% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Change font size ( visual-010) Notes
Azardi Windows PASS At the top left of the window is an icon of a person, which is for reading preferences. This provides for changing the text size. It is also possible to personalize margin space, line space, hyphenation and column modes.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Font, font size, line spacing, etc. can be changed through the menu and applied uniformly - Confirm that the content in the text has been changed - The font of the viewer's menu is not changed
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows PASS Font, font size, line spacing, etc. can be changed through the menu and applied uniformly - Confirm that the content in the text has been changed - The font of the viewer's menu is not changed
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Chrome Windows PASS Font, font size, line spacing, etc. can be changed through the menu and applied uniformly - Confirm that the content in the text has been changed - The font of the viewer's menu is not changed
Books iOS PASS At the top of the app there is a button with a small and larger "A". This brings up a control with options for the page and text. The text size can be reduced and increased through a wide range. The size of images appear to be unaffected.
Books macOS PASS At the top of the app there is a button with a small and larger "A". This brings up a control with options for the page and text. The text size can be reduced and increased through a wide range. The size of images appear to be unaffected.
Bookshare Reader Edge Windows PASS Settings are accessed via a cog button in the banner. In the "quick set" panel there are "text size" options of regular, large print and extra large print. The larger sizes also increase the character spacing. The "text" panel provides for adjusting the text size (and character spacing).
Bookshare Reader Chrome macOS FAIL Font size does work for the content, but does not change for the TOC, Bookmarks, Settings etc.
Bookshelf iOS PASS Tapping the screen displays a control bar at the top, with a button Aa for adjusting the text size.
Bookshelf Chrome Windows PASS The Reader options button is labelled Aa. This provides for four options of Text Size.
Bookshelf Windows PASS The Show reader options button is labelled Aa. This provides for four options of Text Size.
Bookshelf macOS PASS The "Reader options" button is labelled "Aa". This provides for four options of Text Size.
Bookshelf Android PASS Four levels of text size are offered in the Reader preferences dialogue.
Clusive Chrome Windows PASS The text size can be adjusted in the settings dialogue. Visually this is a red mechanical nut.
Colibrio Reader Edge Windows PASS Font size can be changed in the applications settings menu (a cog in the bottom right of the browser window) then Font size which adjusts between 100% and 400%. If that is not big enough, the browser zoom will increase further and the book content and app UI reflows nicely.
Colibrio Reader Android PASS The main menu is invoked in from the reading view by tapping in the middle of the display. In the revealed panel at the bottom of the screen is the cog button for settings. Font scale ranges from 70% to 400%. Pinching gesture in reading view zooms the page without reflow. It could be nice if instead this changed the font scale value.
Digital Editions Windows PASS The text size can be increased using the tool bar button and then choosing from small, medium, large, extra large, ultra large. Or menus or the keyboard shortcut control = or - can be used.
Digital Editions iOS 12 PASS Tapping the screen displays a control bar at the bottom, with a button "T" for test adjustments for changing size and margin width.
Digital Editions Android 9 PASS Tapping the screen displays a control bar at the bottom, with a button "T" for test adjustments for changing size and margin width. The maximum text size isn't very large.
Digital Editions macOS PASS The text size can be increased using the tool bar button and then choosing from small, medium, large, extra large, ultra large. Or menus or the keyboard shortcut cmd = or - can be used.
EBSCO Reader Edge Windows PASS The text size of the EPUB content can be changed using small round + and – buttons in the bottom right of the window (labeled as Zoom in and Zoom out). The browser’s zoom feature can also be used, which enlarges other parts of the site such as the menus and table of contents. The EPUB title contents reflow as expected, the browser window can be resized and the text reflows as expected. There is also the option for a full screen view.
EasyReader Android PASS It is also possible to adjust margins, line spacing and letter spacing.
EasyReader iOS 12 PASS It is also possible to adjust margins, line spacing and letter spacing.
EasyReader (German) Android PASS The font size only changes in the main text while the font size of the table of content and the bookmarks is not affected.
EasyReader (German) iOS PASS By tapping with two fingers on the reading screen and move them apart the font size can be increased and decreased. Alternatively, in the upper menu bar on the right side there is a icon for the text settings. Within the pop-up window you can easily change the font size by using a slider. You can watch the adjustment in the background synchronously. The font size of the sample text changes uniformly but the captions are not adjusted proportionately. However, the table of content, the page list, the note and bookmark list are not affected by the adjustment. Through the settings of the operating system you can find the menu „Accessibility“. There you can select „display & text size“ > „larger text“. By using the provided slider you can change the font size of the main text but also of the table of content, the footnotes, the page list, the note and bookmark list. The font size can also be adjusted through „settings“ > „display & brightness“.
Fulcrum Online Edge Windows PASS Font size is adjusted by selecting the Preferences and settings button (a cog on the top right of the display). Then the slider can adjust the text size, be sure to select the 'Save changes' button at the bottom of the panel.
Kindle Android PASS In addition to text size, it is possible to choose narrow, normal and wide margins, and narrow, normal and wide line spacing.
Kindle iOS PASS
Kortext Windows PASS The text size can be changed via a button on the top status bar shown as a smaller and larger capital T. It is also possible with the keyboard using ctrl - and =. Pinch and spread on touch screen is not supported. Pinch and spread on the trackpad effects a zoom without reflow.
Kurzweil 3000 macOS PASS The text can be adjusted using the smaller and bigger buttons on the reader toolbar.
Play Books Android PASS
Play Books iOS PASS Text size can be adjusted after tapping the button at the top of the app "Aa". Line spacing can be changed, and the user can select justified or right ragged.
RedShelf Chrome Windows PASS At the top right of the screen there are + and - buttons to zoom in and out. The text size can be adjusted through a wide range.
RedShelf Android PASS Buttons marked "+" and "-" are shown on the book reading screen at the top right. These are used to zoom into and out of the content (with reflow). A wide range of zoom is provided. Furthermore, visual adjustments can be made by opening the menu via the button with four horizontal lines, then in Main menu choose Display options, and enable Personal view. The first of the many options is Size. Values for this item are Default, Smaller, Larger and Extra Large. There are big jumps between these options, some additional levels may be appreciated.
RedShelf iOS PASS Buttons marked "+" and "-" are shown on the book reading screen at the top right. These are used to zoom into and out of the content (with reflow). A wide range of zoom is provided. Furthermore, visual adjustments can be made by opening the menu via the button with four horizontal lines, then in Main menu choose Display options, and enable Personal view. The first of the many options is Size. Values for this item are Default, Smaller, Larger and Extra Large. There are big jumps between these options, some additional levels may be appreciated.
Simply Reading Android PASS The text size is adjusted via the button with three dots in a vertical line, located in the top right of the app. Then under Display setting section there is Font size. It is also possible to choose text alignment from right, left or justified.
Texthelp ePub Reader Edge Windows PASS This feature is not provided in the app, rather the Zoom function in Edge can be used to increase the size of the text. Pleasingly, the Table of Contents and Read&Write toolbar also increase in size. The EPUB contents reflows as expected, and it also adjusts as expected as the window is resized.
Thorium Reader 2 Windows PASS Changing font size is achieved via settings/text/font size, then moving a slider control. The change is visible in the dimmed window behind the panel. Could not discover a keyboard shortcut to change the font size. Pinch/zoom on touch display did nothing. A larger maximum size would be preferable to some users.
Thorium Reader 2 macOS PASS Changing font size is achieved via settings/text/font size, then moving a slider control. The change is visible in the dimmed window behind the panel. Could not discover a keyboard shortcut to change the font size. A larger maximum size would be preferable to some users.
Voice Dream Reader iOS 12 PASS
Voice Dream Reader (German) iOS PASS In the upper menu bar the text settings and the submenu „font and typography“ can be found. The adjustment of the font size is applied on the book content uniformely. Only the font size of the captions is not increased or decreased proportionately. Thus, the captions can only be adjusted slightly. The TOC, the bookmarks and notes are not affected by the setting. Via the settings of the operating system the menu „Accessibility“ and the option „Larger Text“ can be found. By using a slider the font size can be further adjusted. In this way the font size of the user interface of Voice Dream is affected and the TOC, the notes and bookmarks are presented accordingly. The page list could not be tested because this kind of navigation was not provided within the test e-book.