
Access list of available content in the reading system (file-310)

Below are all the published results for the test file-310, which appears in Basic Functionality (2.0.0).

This test currently has a 91.67% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Access list of available content in the reading system ( file-310) Notes
Azardi NVDA Windows PASS Press alt+l or access the Library button shown in browse mode. Books can be searched by title, author, etc. Use Enter or the Windows context menu (Applications key) to perform actions once a book is selected. Use the index feature to search in multiple books.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows NA No bookshelf function
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows NA No bookshelf function
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Chrome Windows NA No bookshelf function
Books macOS PASS The titles in the bookshelf can shown as tiles or a list, which can be navigated by keyboard or mouse. The titles can be grouped and sorted in a variety of ways to make a larger collection easier to navigate.
Books Voiceover iOS PASS
Bookshare Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS The Bookshare main interface acts as a bookshelf.
Bookshare Reader NVDA Edge Windows PASS
Bookshelf Voiceover Safari macOS PASS Books are marked with headings in the Library.
Bookshelf JAWS 2020 Chrome Windows PASS
Bookshelf JAWS 2020 Firefox 62+ Windows PASS
Bookshelf TalkBack Android PASS The titles in bookshelf screen can be navigated with Talkback.
Bookshelf NVDA Chrome Windows PASS This works fine after login.
Bookworm NVDA Windows PASS
Clusive NVDA Windows PASS
Colibrio Reader TalkBack Android PASS It is possible to navigate through the titles on the bookshelf. A search feature is provided, which announces the number of matching items.
Colibrio Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS The online reader has titles to choose from.
Digital Editions Voiceover iOS 12 PASS
Digital Editions TalkBack Android 9 FAIL No Talkback support
Digital Editions JAWS 18 Windows PASS
EBSCO Reader Jaws Chrome Windows PASS The test book was searched using the title.
EasyReader Windows PASS
EasyReader Voiceover iOS PASS Books can be searched and sorted by different criteria, like author, title or most recent.
EasyReader Jaws Windows 11 PASS The bookshelf named "My books" is accessible.
EasyReader TalkBack Android PASS
EasyReader (German) TalkBack Android PASS
EasyReader (German) Voiceover iOS PASS Within „my books“ I can access the books. In the library view I can access different online library catalogs. I wanted to test wether I can access my books lent at the dzb lesen but the log-in didn’t work. The reading software indicates that the user name or password is incorrect.
Fulcrum Online NVDA Chrome Windows PASS The list of books available on the platform can be easily read and browsed.
Kindle TalkBack Android PASS The screen is accessible with Talkback.
Kindle Voiceover iOS PASS The bookshelf screen can be read with Voiceover.
Kindle NVDA Windows PASS
Kurzweil 3000 macOS PASS In this evaluation the titles were organised in a folder on the local drive.
Play Books Voiceover iOS PASS Works as expected.
Play Books TalkBack Android PASS
RedShelf Jaws Chrome Windows PASS
Simply Reading TalkBack Android PASS
Texthelp ePub Reader Edge Windows PASS Documents are listed in the Google Drive before starting the reader, or in a standard open files dialog if ‘Choose file’ is clicked.
Thorium 3 Jaws Windows PASS
Thorium 3 Voiceover macOS PASS
Thorium Reader 2 Voiceover macOS PASS
Thorium Reader 2 Jaws Windows PASS There is a sophisticated bookshelf function available. When a title is read, it is automatically added to the Bookshelf
Thorium Reader 2 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS
Thorium Reader 3 NVDA Windows PASS There is a sophisticated bookshelf system that allows you to manage the titles you have on the system.
Thorium Reader 3 Jaws Chrome Windows PASS
Thorium Reader 3 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS Es posible navegar por la biblioteca y buscar publicaciones.
Vanilla Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS The Vanilla Reader home page contains a list of titles that is accessible. The book metadata is not exposed on this page.
Voice Dream Reader Voiceover iOS PASS
Voice Dream Reader (German) Voiceover iOS PASS All titles presented in the bookshelf are accessible and can be open.