
Navigate forward and backward through reflowed content (nav-210)

Below are all the published results for the test nav-210, which appears in Basic Functionality (2.0.0).

This test currently has a 93.75% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Navigate forward and backward through reflowed content ( nav-210) Notes
Azardi NVDA Windows PASS
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Provide navigation by sentence, paragraph, page, and table of contents. Provide keyboard shortcuts Go to beginning: Ctrl + Alt + A Go To End: Alt + A Go to previous page: Alt + PgUp Go to next page: Alt + PgDn Move previous sentence: Ctrl + Alt + V Go to next sentence: Alt + V Move to the previous table of contents: Ctrl + Alt + W Move to the next table of contents: Alt + W
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows PASS Provide navigation by sentence, paragraph, page, and table of contents. Provide keyboard shortcuts Go to beginning: Ctrl + Alt + A Go To End: Alt + A Go to previous page: Alt + PgUp Go to next page: Alt + PgDn Move previous sentence: Ctrl + Alt + V Go to next sentence: Alt + V Move to the previous table of contents: Ctrl + Alt + W Move to the next table of contents: Alt + W
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Chrome Windows PASS Provide navigation by sentence, paragraph, page, and table of contents. Provide keyboard shortcuts Go to beginning: Ctrl + Alt + A Go To End: Alt + A Go to previous page: Alt + PgUp Go to next page: Alt + PgDn Move previous sentence: Ctrl + Alt + V Go to next sentence: Alt + V Move to the previous table of contents: Ctrl + Alt + W Move to the next table of contents: Alt + W
Books macOS PASS It is possible to move through the screens with the arrow keys.
Books Voiceover iOS PASS
Bookshare Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS The navigation inside the chapter works as expected.
Bookshare Reader NVDA Edge Windows PASS
Bookshelf Voiceover Safari macOS PASS Able to navigate between chapters/sections using the Previous/Next buttons. User is required to interact with the book reader frame to access book content.
Bookshelf JAWS 2020 Chrome Windows PASS
Bookshelf JAWS 2020 Firefox 62+ Windows PASS
Bookshelf TalkBack Android PASS
Bookshelf NVDA Chrome Windows PASS No problems moving around in content.
Bookworm NVDA Windows PASS App provides keystrokes to navigate by reflowed page. Enter to move to next page, backspace for previous page etc.
Clusive NVDA Windows PASS I can use my normal reading keys, page down, next block, etc. to move through the chapter that is currently open.
Colibrio Reader TalkBack Android PASS It is possible to navigate backwards and forwards by using the TalkBack context menu, then Actions, then commands are provided to change page.
Colibrio Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Works as expected.
Digital Editions Voiceover iOS 12 FAIL It is not possible to move to next or previous page using any gesture or command with Voiceover running.
Digital Editions TalkBack Android 9 FAIL No Talkback support
Digital Editions JAWS 18 Windows FAIL The application mostly stops responding.
EBSCO Reader Jaws Chrome Windows PASS All text navigation keystrokes of screen reader are supported. Can use PgDn/PgUp to move through content by screens/chunks of text.
EasyReader Windows PASS
EasyReader Voiceover iOS PASS Swipe three fingers up or down.
EasyReader Jaws Windows 11 PASS All text reading and navigation keystrokes of the screen reader can be used.
EasyReader TalkBack Android PASS Vertical scrolling is working. The "load next" button at end of screen needs to be used often.
EasyReader (German) TalkBack Android PASS Vertical scrolling can be used to move little forward in the book. The "load next" button needs to be pressed to move further.
EasyReader (German) Voiceover iOS PASS By using the „move forward/backward“-command I could navigate in both directions.
Fulcrum Online NVDA Chrome Windows PASS The Next and Previous Page buttons can be used. The PgDn and PgUp keys can also be used to navigate by screens of text.
Kindle TalkBack Android PASS Navigation by refloewed pages is supported.
Kindle Voiceover iOS PASS Navigation to next and previous reflowed page is supported.
Kindle NVDA Windows PASS Use Page Down or Page Up keystroke. Ensure that the TOC panel is not open. Otherwise NVDA focus moves to TOC on using page navigation keys.
Kurzweil 3000 macOS PASS The app toolbar at the top has previous and next page buttons. The same controls are at the bottom right as small left and right buttons. Using these buttons it is possible to move forwards and backards through the title, including past chapter boundaries.
Play Books Voiceover iOS PASS Horizontal swiping with three fingers can be used to navigate by reflowed pages.
Play Books TalkBack Android PASS Next and previous pages can be turned by sliding two fingers from right to left or from left to right.
RedShelf Jaws Chrome Windows PASS
Simply Reading TalkBack Android PASS
Texthelp ePub Reader Edge Windows PASS Moving forward and back is achieve by clicking on the right and left edges of the displayed page (arrows are shown where there is another page) or with right and left arrow keys on the keyboard.
Thorium 3 Jaws Windows PASS
Thorium 3 Voiceover macOS PASS
Thorium Reader 2 Voiceover macOS PASS I can move via the Table of Contents and other commands.
Thorium Reader 2 Jaws Windows PASS No problem moving around in the content.
Thorium Reader 2 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS
Thorium Reader 3 NVDA Windows PASS All text navigation keystrokes are working
Thorium Reader 3 Jaws Chrome Windows PASS works as expected.
Thorium Reader 3 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS
Vanilla Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS The next and previous page buttons can be used for navigation. Can also move forward and backwards in content by using Page Down / Page Up keys.
Voice Dream Reader Voiceover iOS PASS Scrolling gesture can be used to move forward and backwards in the book content. In rich text view heading navigation can also be used.
Voice Dream Reader (German) Voiceover iOS PASS It is possible to navigate by sections, sentences and headings.