
Read navigation information (nav-310)

Below are all the published results for the test nav-310, which appears in Basic Functionality (2.0.0).

This test currently has a 58.33% pass rate.

Reading system testing results
Testing Environment Read navigation information ( nav-310) Notes
Azardi NVDA Windows FAIL Use the Elements List dialog (NVDA+f7) and select the Headings radio button to find out the current section, and Escape to return to the previous position in the book. Page number isn't supported.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] NVDA Chrome Windows PASS The ratio of the current page to total pages and the corresponding table of contents are displayed at the bottom of the viewer.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Sens Reader Chrome Windows PASS The ratio of the current page to total pages and the corresponding table of contents are displayed at the bottom of the viewer.
BoinIT Viewer [Korean] Chrome Windows PASS The ratio of the current page to total pages and the corresponding table of contents are displayed at the bottom of the viewer.
Books macOS FAIL
Books Voiceover iOS FAIL Current section name cannot be determined without losing the reading position.
Bookshare Reader NVDA Chrome Windows FAIL There is a where am I button, but I did not see a hot key to get there. When you activate the button, it does give a location that seems to be correct. However, you do not return to that location, instead you are returned to the beginning of the chapter.
Bookshare Reader NVDA Edge Windows PASS
Bookshelf Voiceover Safari macOS PASS Using the VO rotor (VO+u) the user can identify current location be reviewing the headings.
Bookshelf JAWS 2020 Chrome Windows FAIL I can find out where I am, but not without losing my current location.
Bookshelf JAWS 2020 Firefox 62+ Windows PASS
Bookshelf TalkBack Android FAIL
Bookshelf NVDA Chrome Windows FAIL I could not find out a way to get information about my current location. The page boundries are very clear, and going to the goto page does show the page you are on, but I could not find a way to return to my exact location.
Bookworm NVDA Windows FAIL The name of the current section, page number/percentage read cannot be determined without losing reading position. Did not find any keystroke for ""where am I?"
Clusive NVDA Windows PASS Using the NVDA key + F7 gives the dialog and tabbing gets you to where you can arrow down to headings. This then shows the current heading. However, there is no information on what page you are on.
Colibrio Reader TalkBack Android PASS In Talkback Actions menu tap on "Current reading location". Current section nane and percentage read is announced.
Colibrio Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS ALT + W provides detailed information as to your location. Title of book, Percentage, page, and previous heading is provided.
Digital Editions Voiceover iOS 12 FAIL Required information is not available
Digital Editions TalkBack Android 9 FAIL No Talkback support
Digital Editions JAWS 18 Windows FAIL The application mostly stops responding.
EBSCO Reader Jaws Chrome Windows FAIL Can use Jaws heading list to check name of current section/heading. However, cannot check page number or percentage read.
EasyReader Windows PASS Using Ctrl + I, users can get information about their location in the book. Additionally, users can navigate to the page numbers box located at the lower right of the page.
EasyReader Voiceover iOS PASS Need to use a workaround to make the "Where am I button" in menu work. Double tap where you stop reading with Voiceover. This brings the app focus to that position. Then use the Where am I for getting correct information. To resume reading swipe right, the Voiceover focus jumps to the last location in the book content.
EasyReader Jaws Windows 11 PASS While reading book content with Screen Reader, press Enter key when you want to check current location. Now press Ctrl+i. The popup displays correct location information.
EasyReader TalkBack Android PASS Double tap where you want to stop reading. Then use Where am i option from the menu.
EasyReader (German) TalkBack Android PASS The Where am I? item in menu can be used.
EasyReader (German) Voiceover iOS PASS In the menu a „Where am I?“-command is provided. By using the command the current heading and page as well as the percentage read are conveyed. Through „OK“ I can resume reading from the last position.
Fulcrum Online NVDA Chrome Windows PASS With NVDA press NVDA key + PgDn to read location information. Bring up the headings list to see whcih section/sub-section is being read.
Kindle TalkBack Android FAIL it is not possible to get information about current location in book without losing current reading position.
Kindle Voiceover iOS FAIL Without losing reading position current section name and page/percentage read cannot be determined.
Kindle NVDA Windows FAIL It is not possible to determine current heading name and page number without losing reading position.
Kurzweil 3000 macOS FAIL There is no display of current section, page number or percentage progress.
Play Books Voiceover iOS FAIL All desired information cannot be obtained without losing reading position.
Play Books TalkBack Android FAIL All desired information cannot be obtained without losing reading position.
RedShelf Jaws Chrome Windows PASS RedShelf has a very nice feature for getting current location information, ctrl + alt + / will pop up the information on page and what heading you are in.
Simply Reading TalkBack Android PASS Has a dedicated gesture - three finger swipe right to left
Texthelp ePub Reader Edge Windows PASS The Title and Author are shown at the top. The current position in the book is not indicated (such as a progress bar, percentage read, current chapter, section, page).
Thorium 3 Jaws Windows PASS Ctrl + shift + I will open the information that can be read. Esc closes the dialog. Also at the beginning of the reading area, there is a screen reader special navigation feature. It is three lines, i.e., ___ and this will take you to the last known position. This is very helpful.
Thorium 3 Voiceover macOS FAIL Even though there is a i Information icon at the top of the screen, when I am 1/2 way through a chapter and then try to tab up in order to press that button the view reverts back to the top of the chapter, so it gives incorrect information. Only through a mouse can you get at the information. There should be a hotkey to announce Where Am I information.
Thorium Reader 2 Voiceover macOS PASS I don't know how to get to the "More information" button at the bottom of the screen with a keyboard. Seems to be only mouse accessible, not in Tab order. However, if you click on the i Information circle button at the top of the screen (which is accessible via keyboard) the progress information is 3/4's of the way down the page along with other information. Unable to get at the "more information" link at the bottom of the page however.
Thorium Reader 2 Jaws Windows PASS There is a hot key, CTRL + Shift +i which opens a "where am I" box. Escape closes this model. You can use the ___ link at the beginning of the chapter to take you back to the exact location.
Thorium Reader 2 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS Pulsar NVDA+Intro para registrar la posición actual. A continuación, control+shift+i para situar el cursor en la sección Progreso del cuadro de diálogo que contiene información sobre la publicación. Se muestra el número de documento HTML actual en relación con el total de documentos, él porcentaje, la página actual y la sección correspondiente, con la posibilidad de mostrar enlaces para desplazarse a secciones anteriores. Tras cerrar el diálogo, por ejemplo, pulsando Escape, se podrá volver al punto de lectura mediante el enlace para lectores de pantalla (etiquetado como doble subrayado) situado en elmarco del contenido principal (al que podemos navegar mediante Tab o con la letra m en modo exploración).
Thorium Reader 3 NVDA Windows PASS There are two ways to get the Where Am I information. If you have Object descriptions Press checked in settings, then Ctrl + Shift + K will announce your position. Otherwise: Press NVDA+enter, then control+shift+i, then read the info of the dialog, then press escape to close it. To get back to the reading position, press control+home, then m to go to the frame where the special link with underscores dedicated to screen readers is placed, and there press enter. You should be where you left off reading.
Thorium Reader 3 Jaws Chrome Windows PASS
Thorium Reader 3 [Spanish] NVDA Windows PASS Pulsar NVDA+enter para activar el objeto actual, y NVDA+control+shift+i para abrir el diálogo de información sobre la posición actual en Thorium. Tras cerrar el diálogo, pulsar control+inicio, m, enter para volver a la posición de lectura.
Vanilla Reader NVDA Chrome Windows PASS Use keystroke Alt + W
Voice Dream Reader Voiceover iOS PASS The name of current section and sub-section is displayed at the top of the screen. The percentage read information is provided at the bottom of the screen. With Voiceover this information can be obtained and reading can be started by searching the last location which is somewhere on the screen.
Voice Dream Reader (German) Voiceover iOS FAIL The command „Where am I?“ is not provided. The position of the text currently read aloud is presented.